Case study series
TukTuk Creative Marketing

About the client

TukTuk Creative Marketing are an innovative and galaxy-brained organisation helping clients reimagine their digital marketing presence.

Specialising in website design and creation, TukTuk have a fantastic reputation for going the extra mile and helping clients to understand and shape an effective marketing strategy.

With TukTuk, you don’t just get a website; you get a hard-working business tool designed to get your business where you want it to go and consultant support from a true marketing wizard.

The logo for TukTuk Creative Marketing, which features prominently the words "TUK TUK" in a bold font in all capitals. The first "TUK" is in a turquoise font and the second in a deep purple font. They are separated by a compass needle pointing north to south. The words "CREATIVE MARKETING" sit below in light grey font.

What TukTuk Creative Marketing were looking for

Having completed a number of exciting projects recently, TukTuk’s intrepid leader Vicky Jackson wanted some case studies that dove into how she’s supported her clients.

Potential TukTuk clients have a portfolio of shiny new websites to peruse to get an idea of what Vicky and the TukTuk team can do.

However, what you won’t see from those websites is all the extra ways Vicky goes out of her way to support and empower her clients.

Story-style business case studies

As Vicky’s frequent co-conspirator and trusty go-to copywriter, there was no one better to produce a suite of story-style business case studies teasing out what makes TukTuk truly special.

It certainly didn’t hurt that I’d written the content for the clients being featured!

How I delivered on the brief

Vicky selected three recent projects to spotlight with a case study; all of which I had worked on as a writer, so I was familiar with the clients and stakeholders.

Mind you, interviewing someone who you know well and essentially getting them to praise a service you yourself have partly provided is no easy task!

A screenshot of a webpage with plain text reading: "“It was a journey to get to where we are now." Lee’s highlights. What Lee loved about the new Logic Resourcing website: The little subtle touches pull everything together – the blue and purple fading into green really pops! The website blends marketing and customer journey fantastically. It’s a lot easier to navigate around and everything links together. The ‘about us‘ section really captures our personality and shows off our new photography. The website doesn’t just look nice, it’s actually super functional as well."

Vicky had also highlighted the aspects of her service she’d like spotlighting in each case study.

I was able to steer each interviews accordingly to capture those key USPs (unique selling points) while leaving plenty of room for my interviewee to reflect organically on their experience with TukTuk.

As part of this service, I also managed the sign-off process with the clients themselves, to ensure they were happy and comfortable with how their stories were presented.

The results of the case studies

Both Vicky and the interviewees were very pleased with the results; here’s an overview of the three published case studies so far.

Recruitment website case study

A look-back on the website (and unexpected visual rebrand!) for Stoke-based recruitment heroes, Logic Resourcing.

After speaking to Managing Director Lee Quorroll, I focused on the level of flexibility and visual design acumen Vicky provided the Logic team.

Theology College website case study

A reflection on one of Vicky’s biggest achievements to date; a 150+ page website for St Augustine’s College of Theology.

I interviewed Head of Operations Becky Young to get the scoop on how Vicky brought this behemoth of a project to life.

Screenshot of text, which reads: "“From that first phone call, I didn’t really look elsewhere.” My immediate impression of Vicky was that was competent, friendly, knowledgeable, and interested. She was just really personable, and her authenticity came across straight away. From that first phone call, I didn’t really look elsewhere."

Consultant collaboration case study

For a slightly different approach, I spoke to Communications Consultant Ali Geake, a freelance consultant who Vicky and I worked in tandem with on the creation of the aforementioned St Augustine’s College website.

I wanted to shine a light on how effectively Vicky collaborates with fellow creatives to achieve a fantastic result for the client.

Screenshot of text, which reads: "“A truly excellent experience” I think the scope that the St Augustine’s College of Theology website project ended up being was a surprise even to me. But despite the size of the website, Vicky’s been excellent throughout. It always felt like she had the whole thing at her fingertips. It’s been a truly excellent experience, and I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Vicky and Gen to anyone. There was no culture of excuses and I always felt that the TukTuk team were forging ahead."


In addition to case studies, I also interviewed four more clients/stakeholders as part of two more upcoming case study pieces – so, watch this space!

Digital and direct marketing opportunities galore!

While it’s difficult to measure the direct impact of content like this one, it’s provided TukTuk with a wealth of digital and direct marketing materials. Vicky has used these case studies to:

  • celebrate her work and connect with new clients via LinkedIn social media content
  • create memorable minute messages for networking meetings by lifting direct quotes from clients
  • include excerpts from and links to the case studies on digital marketing materials such as PDF service brochures.

Plus, since I was involved in all the projects spotlighted so far, these stories also represent a useful cross-selling tool for my business.

Every little helps, after all!

Find out what all the fuss is about

Explore my case study services and find out how we can use your service-users stories to sell your services.